I’ve long adored my friend Julie Hamilton and pretty much support anything she does. She’s got an interesting, informative, and fun podcast called “Life Builders,” and is just an overall inspiring person. So when she asked me to be on the radio host with beloved community activist and Napa’s Vice Mayor Doris Gentry I played it cool, refrained from saying “HECK YES,” gathered my composure, and just responded with a regular “yes!” The co-host is uber talented, extremely well researched professor, founder of Applied Psychophysiology Education, and ADHD specialist Dr. Cynthia Kerson. Main topics covered included: how to reach out for mental health services, how to know when services are needed, digital detox and more! Follow the link https://www.kvon.com/show/talk-so-kids-listen/ and scroll to "11/18/19”. Happy listening!
Gorgeous KVON studios in Napa, CA. Photo Credit: Julie Hamilton